Below, you will find the answers to the questions we get asked the most by customers.

What is the process for starting equipment?

Complete the Pre-StartUp Checklist in full and return it to Scheduling@Dehumidifiedairservices.com. Alternatively, there is the option to attend the startup training program to become an approved startup partner. Once successfully completed, you will be approved to startup small and medium units. The process for filing your startup reports will be provided upon completion of the training.   

Complete all related sections within the Warranty Claim Request form found under the Warranty tab. Once completed, return the form to Support@dehumidifiedairservices.com along with any supporting documents that may help confirm the failure. Any subsequent and applicable warranty parts and/or labor requests will then be placed internally. An approved NTE must be in place prior to the completion of warranty repairs applicable to labor warranty coverage.  

Contact the Support Team at Support@dehumidifiedairservices.com referencing the unit serial number and requesting the cell router to be activated. It may be helpful to provide the ICCID as well.

The Command Center is a large control board. This board contains the various relays, inputs and outputs and is where most control wiring will land. The RCM is the smaller board near the center of the bottom half of the Command Center board. The RCM contains all memory and processing capabilities that process and control the inputs and outputs on the Command Center board.  

The touchscreen is simply a Human Machine Interface (HMI). It displays the data processed within the RCM and is a means for technicians to communicate with the RCM. Given that the touchscreen is just an interface, and all processing and memory is done within the core module, The unit will operate without a touchscreen.  

On Version 8 boards, there will be four ethernet ports on the lower portion of the command center. Two will be red, and two will be yellow. One touchscreen should be connected to a red port and one to a yellow port.